Bifrost and BiFi

2 min readJan 27, 2021


BIFROST is a middleware platform that connects between dApps and third party protocols. Earlier this year, a pilot version of Ethereum was released, with Ethereum’s TPS rose to 750 and its gas fees dropped by 75%. BIFROST can combine Ethereum as well as all the protocols using EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machines) for scalability, and can increase the TPS of Ethereum by 3,000 TPS on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) basis. The applications of BIFROST are boundless. A typical example would be that BIFROST can connect different protocols to a public and private blockchain to enable trading of the non-fungible tokens (NFT) issued on various protocols or support P2P games built on different blockchains.

About BiFi

BiFi (Bifrost Finance) is the Decentralized Finance (DeFi) project powered by the multichain technology of Bifrost. Bifrost enables BİFI to be more scalable and transparent than other DeFi services. BiFi will connect directly to Bitcoin and other blockchain networks, thereby expanding the DeFi ecosystem currently limited to Ethereum. We offer lending and borrowing for ETH, USDT, and eventually BTC, and will later support more advanced derivative investment products.

Website: Bifrost and BiFi

Learn more about Bifrost vs Bifi
Telegram: Bifrost_Global

#Bifrost #BFC #BiFi #DeFi

